I have exact the same issue. 196 means C4 in hex. So the packet that crashing your client is 0xC4 (WIZ_LOGIN_NOTICE or something similiar). If you check acs source, you ll notice that packet actually should be handled in the hook level. If you ask me this hook is not being attached to the game and thats why i can't handle it. To understand the issue, I turned off login notices and I faced another issue. In that one, it was clearly unable to parse the socket message from server. So I feel like this acs is not working for some reason or needs some adjustments to make it work in our local.[09:54:20] CN3WorldManager::InitWorld Pre delete
[09:54:20] CN3WorldManager::InitWorld Pre new Terrain ZoneID(21)
[09:54:21] e:\knightonline\istirap_acs_server_database_client_panel_sdk_all-in-one\v2500client\object\obj_el_transgate03_brok01_body.n3pmesh - Can't open file (read)
[09:54:23] CGameProcMain::MsgRecv_MyInfo_All : failed find character resource data (Race : -1)
[09:54:24] invalid file handle(-1) - Can't open texture file(e:\knightonline\istirap_acs_server_database_client_panel_sdk_all-in-one\v2500client\item\cloak_c_81.dxt)
[09:54:24] invalid file handle(-1) - Can't open texture file(e:\knightonline\istirap_acs_server_database_client_panel_sdk_all-in-one\v2500client\item\cloak_c_82.dxt)
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\glory_ka_m.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\glory_ka_w.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\glory_el_m.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\glory_el_w.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\rush_ka_m.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\rush_ka_w.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\rush_el_m.ogg
[09:54:24] Create Failed - Snd\rush_el_w.ogg
[09:54:24] e:\knightonline\istirap_acs_server_database_client_panel_sdk_all-in-one\v2500client\item\upc_ka_at_face.n3cpart - Can't open file (read)
[09:54:24] Invalid Packet... (196)
[09:54:24] Socket Closed... Zone(21) Pos(264.0, 4.9, 302.0) Exp(0)
1. The game will close and crash when loading the game screen. How to solve this problem? Thank you.